June is a quirky month: school has just let out, the season is moving to full summer, travel plans loom on the horizon - and this particular June, we’re engaged in making the not-always-simple shift into post-COVID times. In other words, now is a time of transitions -- some exciting, and some that aren’t always easy. In our newsletter this month, we are honoring life’s great transition: the aging journey. Associate Director for PHW’s Healthy Aging initiative, Rev. Karen Richardson Dunn, will share how faith communities can encourage healthy aging attitudes and ministries (see directly below). And check out our Resources section, where you’ll find our Healthy Aging Toolkit, with everything from a statewide list of aging resources to our small-group discussion guide on how to broach the topic in lively and fun ways. We’re also honoring all of YOU who joined the PHW Collaborative in 2020 (and we’re accepting new faith communities into our Collaborative network now -- so make that transition!). You’ll find our June events, and our first-ever “Staff Spotlight,” celebrating PHW Program Coordinator Michelle Peedin, who will soon be making a transition of her own, to Columbia University’s School of Social Work. We will miss her bright spirit, humor, and tireless efforts on behalf of our PHW network of congregations. From all of us at PHW to all of you: blessings on your own life transitions -- including the shift to a hopefully relaxed, healthy, and wonderfully memorable Summer 2021.