In the month of May, many of us turn our focus to the tending and nurturance of our backyard gardens. Pulling out our best gardening tools, we carefully plant, fertilize, water, and weed to ensure that our seedlings will grow and thrive into healthy, beautiful mature plants. May is also Mental Health Awareness Month, whose theme this year is “Tools 2 Thrive.” PHW recognizes the need for all of us to tend to the “garden” of our mental health and well-being, especially given the stress and anxiety of this past pandemic year. And as we approach the anniversary of the death of George Floyd, we especially honor, and grieve, the emotional pain felt by so many people of color in a too often unjust society. In this edition of our newsletter, we will provide you with a treasure trove of mental health “Tools 2 Thrive.” Our Associate Director for Mental Health, the Rev. Jessica Stokes, will share her words of wisdom and experience on how to engage your church in a mental health ministry, directly below. At the end of the newsletter you'll find Jessica's resources on race and mental health, her Trauma-Informed Toolkit, and a host of other mental health tools. Throughout our newsletter you'll also find the recording of our Sacred Conversation on burnout with Dr. Clark Gaither; an invitation to our “Faith and Health Connection” on June 4 with the Alzheimer’s Association on Alzheimer’s Prevention and Brain/Body Health, and our webinar on mental health and harm reduction on June 28. From all of us at PHW, we send blessings for vibrant mental health, for you, and your faith communities.