Now more than ever it is important to center restorative practices. We hope you can use these breath prayers for anxious times in your spiritual healing and worship. In these prayers, Sarah Bessey, critically acclaimed author and President of the Board for Heartline Ministries in Haiti, brings together deep breathing in harmony with scripture passages to cleanse and nourish the soul. Sarah provides the following example below: "Start with ten good breaths in and out, with the words that are most meaningful or steadying to your soul. (From Matthew 11:28-30) Inhale: Humble and gentle One, Exhale: you are rest for my soul. (From John 15)
Inhale: True Vine and Gardener, Exhale: I abide in You. (From Romans 8:38-39) Inhale: Nothing can separate me, Exhale: from the love of God.
When you are finished, imagine yourself slowly leaving that sanctuary. Transition slowly from prayer to rising. Recite the following: May the peace of God give you renewed hope and wisdom, May you find the strength you already carry within you to be enough, May the grace of God be sufficient, May you find a deep breath when the air around you is thin, May you grow in compassion in these days, May you love well, not in spite of these anxious times but because of them." We invite you to use this example or replace it with scripture that helps you renew and reconnect your spirit and soul to God. Thank you to Sarah Bessey for publicly sharing this. |