I could talk about the usual things for American Heart Month, to eat healthier, move more, be in community, get enough sleep. But mostly what I want to say is to take care of each other. Take care of each other because social isolation and loneliness have a big impact on the health of our hearts. In our faith communities, we talk about being one body, about the strength of sharing one table. Let us lean into those values because it keeps us alive,, and more than that, it helps us thrive. For American Heart Month I encourage you to be intentional about gathering together, praying together, singing together, eating together, and living into wholeness: mind, body and spirit. What we, as people of faith, bring to our communities is the belief that God cares for whole people and whole communities. If you are looking for resources to share in your newsletters for American Heart Month, check out an entire outreach toolkit that includes downloadable articles, flyers, fact sheets, and social media resources here. |