Evaluating the results of the program or project submitted for consideration is one of the features of the PHW Collaborative Mini-grant application process. It is only with solid plans and effective execution that it is possible to yield their stated results. As it is with our faith communities, so it is in our personal lives. As we approach the final days of 2022, it’s a great time to assess how we can maintain our health behaviors and continue harvesting a healthier lifestyle even being surrounded by holiday tins filled with scrumptious homemade treats. I know things have gotten busy, and meal prep has morphed into more drive-thru visits than some envisioned in January 2022. But the great thing about it is that you don’t have to wait until January to pick up the pieces you declared would be in place this year. After relocating to North Carolina, I thought I had devised a system to sustain the healthy lifestyle I have struggled to maintain for years. Before I began my work in the morning, I got up and walked at a nearby park or drove a mile away to a local gym. As I began settling into work and the temperature changed, I noticed my fitness plans soon became a distant memory. Thankfully, the messages I share with others often return as a boomerang. And I am reminded that health and wholeness are a lifestyle I must steward daily regardless of the weather or if there’s a trendy fitness program on social media. Likewise, for our collaborative partners, it’s an initiative to focus on even beyond the PHW grant cycle. As I prepared for my holiday travels, I packed my workout gear so I could visit gyms in my network or take walks in the communities where I will visit with my family. By planning before I start fa-la-laing, I hope to yield the results I seek. While holiday celebrations are often associated with movie watching and extended naps after dinner, consider how your family can incorporate physical activity throughout the season. Although some family members may not be able to participate in foot races or long walks, consider activities that all can participate in. Hosting others can be a mammoth task, which may require being intentional about securing quiet times for meditation and prayer. It may be helpful to center yourself or meditate before your planned activities. Looking back, I have hosted friends in my home, and I spent more time refilling cups and checking food temperatures instead of sharing in the laughter and storytelling surrounding me. One day I realized that instead of hosting activities with a larger group of people, it was best for me to host more intimate events where I could sit and enjoy time with friends. As you consider the days ahead, be sure to check in with yourself to consider how you can adjust things individually as well as communally so you can continue your health and wholeness journey without regret and limited stress. |