Daffodils not only hold a special place in many gardeners’ hearts but are a lasting symbol of new beginnings. Growing up in the mountains we could count on the beautiful daffodils and crocus popping up through the ice and snow, giving our hearts and minds a much-needed glimpse of the coming spring. We may not see as much snow in all parts of North Carolina, but I hope that you too are seeing signs of hope and healing in this New Year. The team at PHW is excited to kick off 2022 with our Collaborative communities and our partners. Like many of you, we expected 2021 to be quite a bit different than it turned out to be. The continuing challenges brought about by COVID kept us working virtually most of the time and kept our focus on the immediate needs in our faith communities. We know from the stories you have shared that you also have been rising to the challenge to provide food, clothing, shelter, and spiritual care, to those struggling the most. We are grateful to all of you. In this newsletter, our PHW team will share what we have coming up this year in our webinars and our Sacred Conversation series. We will introduce you to the newest member of our staff, Krista Westervelt, and officially send our best wishes to our longtime colleague and friend Karen Richardson Dunn as she transitions to a new role. Finally, don’t miss the dates for the opening of the 2022 Collaborative and mini-grant applications cycle. We are looking forward to hearing what you're planning in your health and wholeness ministries. Want to easily share what PHW is all about? Use our “Getting to Know PHW” video found here. As always, we welcome your feedback, thoughts, and ideas. Drop us a line at phwinfo@ncchurches.org. |