BAD FAITH: Christian Nationalism's Threat to Democracy in Asheville


Monday, September 16, 7 p.m.
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

789 Merrimon Ave, Asheville

Join us for a powerful screening of "BAD FAITH", a documentary that exposes the rise of Christian Nationalism and its dangerous influence on American politics. Discover how these leaders have manipulated religious beliefs to turn political issues into battles between good and evil, threatening the very foundation of our democracy and our faith. Learn about the secretive Council for National Policy and the grassroots coalition of secular and interfaith leaders standing up against this unholy alliance. This event will feature the film screening followed by a discussion on how we can protect our democratic values. Don't miss this crucial conversation in Asheville!

Joining us for a post-film discussion and Q&A will be Nancy Maclean. Nancy MacLean, author of Democracy in Chains, which was updated with a new preface last year, has had good receptions from unions, community organizing groups, civil rights and women’s groups, pro-public education organizations, and environmentalists, among others.



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This event is free to all. A donation of any amount is greatly appreciated, but NOT required. Thank you for your support. (*Please note when you select an amount, you will be given the option to pay by credit card or check.)