The Cool Congregations Energy Savings Webinar!

 Registration is closed for this event

Join North Carolina Interfaith Power & Light for a webinar on how you can take your congregational sustainability practices to the next level!

Learn about how you can compete in a national competition to earn recognition and a $1,000 award, how to access valuable resources, and how to become a certified Cool Congregation!

Date: November 21, 2023

Time: 12 PM - 12:45 PM


November 21, 2023 from 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM
Event Donations
Select a donation amount below:
0 $0.00
1 $5.00
2 $10.00
3 $15.00
4 $20.00
5 $25.00
6 $30.00
7 $50.00
8 $100.00
9 $150.00
10 $200.00
12 $300.00
11 $280.00
13 $400.00
14 $500.00