Chaplaincy and Mental Health: It's Healthy to Get Help - Spiritual Care Week 2023

 Registration is closed for this event

This year's Spiritual Care Week theme is  Chaplaincy and Mental Health: It's Healthy to Get Help. The condition of one’s spiritual worldview has a direct impact on one’s mental well-being. Spiritual Care Week allows chaplains, pastoral counselors, and other spiritual caregivers to focus on working closely with our mental health colleagues. It is also an opportunity to review the state of our own spiritual journey.  

The Cherry Hospital Pastoral Care Department, in collaboration with the NC Council of Churches Partners in Health and Wholeness initiative and the Mantle Bearers Project, invite you to join us as we focus on taking care of our mental health. During this half-day retreat at The Refuge in Ayden, participants can engage in real-time activities that promote mental wellness, healthy eating, play movement, music therapy, a clergy testimony, and an opportunity to meet with a therapist.  

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Dr. Prince Raney Rivers

Date: Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023

Event time: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (Check-in begins at 9:30 a.m.)

Address: 1380 Lower Field Rd, Ayden, NC 28513

Registration fee is $20, which includes continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, and beverages.

October 26, 2023 from 10:00 AM to  2:00 PM
1380 Lower Field Rd, Ayden, NC 28513
The Refuge
Ayden, NC 28513
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Event Fee
Event Fee $20.00
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